
Death Stranding Vs Horizon Zero Dawn

It would've been hard to believe only a year ago, only Sony'south been getting serious about releasing PlayStation platform exclusives on PC. Detroit: Get Human, Heavy Rain, and Beyond: Two Souls, narrative-heavy experiences that were never expected to get out the walled garden of Sony's Eco-organisation popped upward on the Epic Game Store then on Steam.

And and then, the floodgates actually opened, with Kojima Productions' Expiry Stranding arriving on PC, closely followed by Horizon: Aught Dawn. We've fifty-fifty seen recent reports that Bloodborne will make its way over.

Today, we're looking at how Death Stranding and Horizon: Zero Dawn perform. Both of these games are congenital on Guerilla's Decima Engine, so it's interesting to contrast their relative performance profiles.

Death Stranding'due south PC port received widespread acclaim, with great performance beyond the board and an NVIDIA DLSS 2.0 implementation that delivered better image quality than a native 4K presentation — exactly what NVIDIA promised with DLSS but never actually delivered until now.

Horizon: Zero Dawn, on the other hand, has been described every bit one of the worst PC ports since Blood-red Expressionless Redemption 2, with unlike outlets experiencing wildly different levels of performance.

We ran both games on a fairly bulky setup, with a Ryzen nine 3900X overclocked to 4.2 GHz on all cores, 16GB of dual-aqueduct DDR4 RAM at 3000MHz, and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super with a 124 MHz core overlock and a 650 MHz overclock on the VRAM (effectively on a level with the vanilla GeForce RTX 2080 in terms of functioning).

Decease Stranding, as anybody'south said, runs phenomenally well. Nosotros saw remarkably high frame rates, even with DLSS turned off. At max settings at 4K, nosotros saw an boilerplate of 59 FPS, but shy of that magic 4K/sixty mark. With DLSS fix to Operation mode, nosotros saw framerates jump all the way upwardly to the 90 FPS range, with a marginal hit to image quality. With DLSS set to quality mode, nosotros saw framerates in the mid-70s, with fantastic paradigm quality. We can confidently say that this is the first time, since NVIDIA's hyped DLSS release, that prototype quality has actually lived up to what was promised. We ran Death Stranding on a beta hotfix driver, 451.87 because earlier drivers had an issue with texture abuse.

At 1440p, nosotros saw native framerates in the mid-90s. The different DLSS quality modes improved framerates, just only marginally so, indicating that we likely running up confronting CPU limitations, or that we were tensor-core bound, something NVIDIA had previously claimed was the reason for not allowing DLSS at lower resolutions.

At 1080p, the operation spread was trivial, whether DLSS was enabled or disabled. With framerates well above 100, there was no bodily point in setting information technology on. Interestingly, we saw some performance regression when running DLSS in its operation manner, which was a few frames per second slower than DLSS quality.

Horizon: Zippo Dawn delivered a much rougher experience than Death Stranding. However, we went into benchmarking the game with our expectations in cheque, considering the corporeality of chatter online well-nigh the game'south operation problems.

Information technology's interesting to annotation here that initial performance on the game-ready 451.67 drivers was equally every bit appalling equally Reddit and merely about every other outlet seemed to say information technology was. In early parts of the game, we couldn't get a steady 60 FPS lock without dropping to — we kid you non — 720p. With settings pared downwards to "original," nosotros were performing in the 50 FPS range at 1440p, worse than Red Dead Redemption 2. Thankfully, a handful of quick fixes seems to have addressed performance issues on our end.

Nosotros disabled HAGS (hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling). Nosotros also updated to the aforementioned hot ready driver. Lastly, nosotros rebuilt the shader enshroud with driver-level anisotropic filtering forced. These fixes together delivered a decent uplift to operation, just still left a lot to be desired. This is despite the fact that Ultimate settings don't deliver visuals far beyond than open earth PC heavy-weights like Metro Exodus and Kingdom Come up Deliverance.

The game still wasn't exactly the smoothest running title to grace our test-bed, merely it ran virtually every bit well equally we could expect: with "original" settings enabled, we got over forty FPS at a native 4K, and well above 60 FPS on almost settings presets at both 1440p and 1080p.

In practise, nosotros settled on a mix of ultra, high, and medium settings with a 50 FPS cap, running at 3K. That's pretty much par for course as far every bit the RTX 2070 Super is concerned. Guerilla Games has promised to look into Horizon: Zero Dawn's performance issues. If you're unable to get the game to performance well, nosotros suggesting waiting a couple weeks until an actual functioning patch arrives.

Photo of Arjun

Penguin-published author, and journalist. Loves PC hardware simply has terrible manus-middle coordination. Well-nigh likely to be establish playing Total War or watching weird Russian sitcoms.


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